Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him
and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.
Colossians 2:6-7
Our great prayer for the youth of New City is that they grow in the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and in devotion to the local church. While we recognize that parents are primarily tasked with discipling their children, we also know that it takes an entire local church to make mature disciples of Jesus Christ. Our hope is that our graduating high schoolers will enter adulthood firmly rooted in the truths of Scripture, with clear convictions of what they believe, and with hearts aflame in sincere love for their Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ.
Sunday School – Our youth group meets twice a month on Sunday nights from 6:00-7:45 pm for a fun
Impact – Our youth meets twice a month on Sunday nights from 6:00-7:45 pm for biblical instruction, small group discussion, singing, and fun games.
Winter Retreats – New City partners with sister churches in The Great Lakes Presbytery to participate in two winter retreats: one for middle school students and another for high school students.
Summer Camp – Each summer, we take our youth away for a week to step back from the routines of daily life, providing time and space to reflect, grow, and hear afresh the promises of the gospel in Jesus Christ. Summer camp also fosters meaningful friendships, fun times, and lasting memories.
Missions Trip – For several years, our high schoolers, alongside adult members of our congregation, have dedicated a week each summer to hosting a Vacation Bible School for the children of a less-resourced church in Michigan. This ministry provides a meaningful opportunity for our older students to grow spiritually, develop their gifts, and gain experience in teaching and leadership while serving others in the body of Christ.
For more information, please email our Youth Ministry Administrative Assistant, Jennifer Schoon.
All classes and activities involving minors are taught and/or supervised by teens or adults who have completed our Child Protection Policy Standards.